– By #Pioneer Auto Show

On August 11th Mike Wolfe, Danielle Colby Cushman and a film crew from the History Channel’s “American Pickers” stopped in Murdo, SD to search through the treasures contained within the 42 buildings that make up Pioneer Auto Show and Museum.
Wolfe, Cushman and the crew spent 11 hours picking and filming until they found a few gems to purchase. Among the treasures were a Mickey Mouse mannequin, old toys, jewelry and a racecar.
“It was a long day,” Dave Geisler, owner of the Pioneer Auto Show and Museum said of the occurrence. “But they were very professional – overall it was a good experience.”
Opened in 1954 by Dave’s father, AJ Geisler, the Pioneer Auto Show and Museum houses an expansive collection of antiques specializing in classic cars. It’s no surprise “American Pickers” made the trip to Murdo. "We probably have the largest private collection in America," Geisler said. “Mike kept telling us how blessed we were to have what we do and I couldn’t agree with him more” he added.
It’s unknown when the segment will air but there is hope that the stop and the coverage will give Murdo and the museum a much needed lift after the lagging tourism season.
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